Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm back && have lots to talk about...

Wow!!! It's been a very long time since I've been on here. So much has happened since my last post.
I'm not really sure where to start or what to get off my chest first so if im ramble on && on I'm apologizing a head of time lol!! So, with that being said im sorry if this blog is all over the place && just a ton of venting/rambling. :)

I'm going to strat with on Thanksgiving day a very wonderful && special woman joined Lizzy && the Lord in heaven. My aunt Marty had been battling cancer for about seven months && on Thanksgiving morning cancer won that battle!! She was given her wings && now soars with the Lord && all of the other very special people who I have lost throughout my life. It was a very difficult loss for me, but she's no longer in pain, smiling through painful tears, or just pushing on without complaining because she thinks that's what she has to do! My Aunt Marty is a great woman who is very much missed, but I'm happy she's no longer in pain && one day we will meet again. R.I.P. my sweet Aunt Marty you will continue to live on in everyones hearts!! <3

Next thing to talk about is the surgery I endured about a month && a half ago. Out of no where I had horrible unbearable abdomen pain that I wasn't able to explain or figure out what was causing it. After 13 days of horrible pain && 6 er visits, 3 family dr visits, && 1 specialist visit, rapid weight loss && unable to eat without vomiting they came to the vertic I had gall bladder disease!! After eating && having a horrible attack I was admitted into the hospital for four loong days where they ended up removing my gall bladder && finding out I also have acid reflex disease. Let me tell you the pain you go through when you have a gall bladder attack I wouldn't even wish on my worse enemy. Three people have told me it's worse then going through labor so that's just an example of how much pain I was enduring for 16 days before my surgery. I am now doing so much better thank god!! No pain since...I am now very caution on what I eat which has helped me with loosing weight because I eat so much healthier. There are still some things that trigger my stomach && make it upset but I can always do without those few things lol!! Infact since I got sick && then had surgery I have lost about 36 pounds && im not stopping there :)

Those are the main things I wanted to get off my chest right now, but since I now have the blogger app on my phone I will be posting like I use to!! :)
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  1. So much has happened! You are such a positive person and I pray that never changes. I am impressed by your weight loss! That is fantastic! You are inspiring!

  2. Aww Sarah you inspire me to vent without caring what others might thing...I try to be strong like so many people tell me I am, but lately I've been feeling like im breaking a little bit. You always know what I need though through your blogs, fb statuses or even comments to me && id like to thank you for that!!
    Thank you about the weight loss I hope to finally be to a weight im comfrontable with sometime in the near future lol!!! :)
