Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 5...

~~~Your Favorite Quote && Why~~~

The quote that i have choose to write about is special to me not only because of what the quote says, but also because of who i am quoting by using this quote. With that being said i will post the quote and then explain why it is one of my favorite quotes && one that i hold very dear to me.

"Because not a single moment of any day of any week of any month of any year passes when we don't walk for them and with them...always loved...always MISSed." -JoAnne Cacciatore

This is the quote that i have picked to write about...I have picked this quote because Mrs. Cacciatore is a very powerful woman that i look up to very much, but also because this quote just fit the way i have been feeling for the last couple of days. Also, since today is National Pregnancy && Infant Loss Remembrance Day this quote just seems to fit so well. Because there isn't one day, week, month, or even year/years to come that I'm not walking for my babies or with them. I walk every single day for them as well as myself and the other people i love and have lost.

No matter who you have lost whether it be babies, siblings, aunts, uncles, or grandparents you are forever walking for them && with them because they are here with us every single day. But they are also forever MISSed by all of us as well. With all of that being said i think that i am going to end this post by saying mine && many others babies are forever MISSed but NEVER forgotten.