Sunday, October 10, 2010

Starting A 30 Day Writing Challenge...

Okay i was asked if i was interested in writing in a 30 day writing challenge...So i want to let you guys know what all it consist of so then you will know how to follow along with everything i am doing.

Day 1-A song that reminds you of your child or that you cant listen to anymore and why.

Day 2-Favorite movie

Day 3-A televesion show that either helped you get through your hard time or has moved you.

Day 4-Your favorite book

Day 5-Your favorite quote

Day 6-Twenty things that calm you

Day 7-A photo that makes you happy

Day 8-A photo that makes you angry/sad

Day 9- A photo that you took of yourself

Day 10-A photo taken over 10 years ago of you and how it makes you feel seeing it now.

Day 11-A photo that someone else took of you

Day 12-Something that you OCD about

Day 13-A vice(coffee, soda, candy, anything that you have to have to get through the day)

Day 14-The longest relationship you have had(friend or SO) non family relatied.

Day 15-What you like about your house

Day 16-A song that makes you cry(or nearly)

Day 17-An art piece(drawing, sculpture, painting, etc.) that moves you

Day 18-My wedding/future wedding/past wedding

Day 19-A talent that yours

Day 20-A hobby of yours

Day 21-A receipe

Day 22-A wibsite that you visit daily

Day 23-A youtube video that makes you laugh

Day 24-Where you live

Day 25-Your day, in great detail

Day 26-Your week, in great detail

Day 27-Your worst habit

Day 28-What is in your purse/handbag

Day 29-An actual dream have had while sleeping

Day 30-A dream for the future.

These are the topics that are to be used for the next 30 days in this writing challenge. What you do is use what the day says and write about it in full detail until you are at day 30 then the challenge is over. Lets see how many of us can actually start and finish this challenge.