Thursday, October 14, 2010


~~A television show that either helped you get through hard times or that has moved you~~

This is a tough one...and even though i have been thinking of it since yesterday when i was supsta post it i am still having a hard time figuring out a show that has helped me through hard times or has moved me. So, with that being said sorry that this blog is late and please don't hold it against me if it isn't the best blog i have posted in a while. :)

One of the shows that pops into my head and really stands out is Ghost Whisper because there are many times that people don't get the chance to say goodbye to their loved ones. Not to mention in a situation like mine && many others you don't get to choose if you want to say goodbye or even that it is time to say hello && goodbye all in the same day let alone time. But on Ghost Whisper many people get the chance to tell their loved ones all the things that they didn't get to tell them before...because Jennifer Love Hewitt helps bring them together so they can say their finally words before crossing over into the "light" that God is showing them.

I personally wish that i could do that not only with my babies but with other loved ones that i never got the chance to say "goodbye or until we meet again" to! It would be so awesome to have the chance to hold my babies tell them that i love them && that mommy will be there one day, but until then to stay with Aunt Lizzy and all the other family members that are in heaven taking care of them for me. I know that my babies && all my family are safe in God's house, but their are still days that i think "what if," "where would i be if," "do you think i would be okay if," && many things like that. But everything happens for a reason whether we understand the reasons or not God has a reason for doing everything he is && has done in ALL of your lives! :)


  1. I never thought about a show like that helping... I totally see how it would be good for the soul ya know.

    Good post

  2. i can see your point from that perspective as well sami. but it would break my heart to constantly say good bye. i wouldnt be able to do it.

  3. I totally understand what you're saying ash but it wouldnt be saying goodbye all the time it would be until we meet again....i mean there are some cases that it would've been better and easier to deal with if you got the chance to say the proper goodbyes instead of having guilt that you never said how much you loved them or things of that sort. If that makes any sense at all to you...but those are the times i am talking about or even just to understand why something happened and why the baby wasnt able to be carried to full term at least this way you would have answers. Ya know??
